Wednesday 26 November 2008


The Dreamweaver disk that i have been given is for a PC and I have an imac so I'm back to square one. AGAIN!


It has taken me half an hour to log in all because there is a problem with the system this morning!!! SOOOO ANNOYING! Anyway am on now so all is good with the world. For now!

Thursday 20 November 2008

A miracle has happened!

I have found someone with a Dreamweaver disk that they are prepared to lend me! I am saved!!!  Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!  The only problem is that it's a disk for PC but I'm sure I'll be able to make it work on the imac!! Hurrah!!!

Wednesday 19 November 2008

The cost of a degree

We all know that a degree can be quite an expensive thing to do in England but what I think some people don't realise is the cost of everything that goes along with the degree.  I thought it would be a good idea to buy a copy of dreamweaver so that I could do work at home as well as in class.  The only problem is that the disk is £393.62. That is a lot of money. So if anyone has a spare copy flying about could they please email me!

Friday 14 November 2008

The Dreamweaver manual

I have a slight confession. Even though I am an online journalism student I have never used Dreamweaver before. This means that i have NO IDEA how the thing works so last week I tramped down to the library in search of some sort of helpful book that would teach me the basics to get me through my project. After much rifling I found two that looked promising. When I got home however one was quickly put aside and the other read nearly page to page. The missing manual is an essential tool for any first time users. It offers step-by-step instructions on everything that is Dreamweaver. Also it has a lot of advanced stuff in it that would be great for actual web designers to use if they needed a refresher on anything!

Wednesday 12 November 2008


Hi there!

Welcome to my second year online journalism blog!  This year we've got to design a website with at least 6 pages, some pictures and even some video! 

Over the next few weeks I'll be regularly working on my website using dream weaver and fireworks.  Although the final finished site might not be published I will try to put up screen shots of the site as I work on it.

My site has to include a personal insight about me, as well as work I have previously completed and a 1000 word feature that i will write especially for the project.  

I'm hoping that i wont have too many problems with me assessment work because we currently don't have the Internet where I live so it will mean i have to use the university and the library computers in my spare time.  

I'll keep you updated regularly
